Completed at the end of 2016, this 122 x 122cm Original Painting is Modern, Bold and captures your attention immediately.
My Sarah Jane Artwork generally has a lot of colour involved, however this piece I decided to keep quite simple by only using three basic colours to not distract from the focal point of the painting. Navy held the background presence to provide a depth, whereas white paint allowed for a contrast and a focal point of the abstract image of people happy, healthy and having fun playing. As I do like a splash of colour, a bold stroke of orange paint was used on the belly to symbolise fun vibrancy and energy.
And the inspiration for this work you may ask? Well you will have to watch the video below, where I let you know at the end how this Sarah Jane painting came about. That’s if you can pay attention given the two videobombers in the background trying to steal my limelight!
This piece has now been sold however I would love you to check out my other paintings, “Cos Every Home Needs A Sarah Jane”.
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